卡片模板告诉 Anki 哪些字段应该出现在卡片的正面和背面,并控制当某些字段包含文本时将生成哪些卡片。通过调整你的卡片模板,你可以一次性改变许多卡片的设计和样式。

Card templates tell Anki which fields should appear on the front and back of your card, and control which cards will be generated when certain fields have text in them. By adjusting your card templates, you can alter the design and styling of many of your cards at once.



The Templates Screen


You can modify card templates by clicking the "Cards..." button inside the editing screen.

对于旧的 Anki 版本,左上角是正面模板,左下角是背面模板,中间是卡片样式部分。对于 Anki 2.1.28+版本,正面、背面和样式不再同时显示。你可以使用 Ctrl+1Ctrl+2Ctrl+3 在它们之间切换。

For older Anki versions, on the top left is the front template, on the bottom left is the back template, and in between them is the card styling section. For Anki versions 2.1.28+ the front, back, and styling are no longer shown at the same time. You can switch between them with Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, and Ctrl+3.

在 Anki 中,模板是 HTML 编写的,HTML 是网页编写语言。样式是 CSS 吗,即网页样式所使用的语法。

In Anki, templates are written in HTML, which is the language that web pages are written in. The styling section is CSS, which is the language used for styling web pages.

右边是当前所选卡片的正面和背面的预览。如果你在添加注笔记打开了该窗口,则预览将基于你在添加笔记窗口中键入的文本。如果你在编辑笔记时打开了该窗口,则预览将基于该笔记的内容。如果从工具打开窗口 → 管理笔记模板类型,Anki 将在括号中显示每个字段的名称以代替内容。

On the right is a preview of the front and back of the currently selected card. If you opened the window while adding notes, the preview will be based on the text you had typed into the Add Notes window. If you opened the window while editing a note, the preview will be based on the content of that note. If you opened the window from Tools → Manage Note Types, Anki will display each field’s name in parentheses in place of content.


At the top right of the window is an Options button that gives you options to rename or reorder the cards, as well as the following two options:

  • 覆盖牌组:允许你更改从当前笔记模板生成的卡片将放入的牌组。默认情况下,卡片被放置在你在添加笔记窗口中提供的牌组中。如果在此处设置牌组,则该卡片将被放置到你指定的牌组中,而不是添加笔记窗口中列出的牌组。如果你想把卡片分成不同的牌组(例如,在学习一种语言时,把生产卡片放在一个卡片组中,把识别卡片放在另一个),这可能很有用。你可以通过再次选择牌组覆盖来检查牌组当前要使用的牌组。

    The 'Deck Override' option allows you to change the deck that cards generated from the current card type will be placed into. By default, cards are placed into the deck you provide in the Add Notes window. If you set a deck here, that card type will be placed into the deck you specified, instead of the deck listed in the Add Notes window. This can be useful if you want to separate cards into different decks (for instance, when studying a language, to put production cards in one deck and recognition cards in another). You can check which deck the cards are currently going to by choosing Deck Override again.

  • 浏览器预置样式:允许你设置不同的(可能是简化的)模板,以便在浏览器的问题答案列中显示;有关详细信息,请参见浏览器外观

    The 'Browser Appearance' option allows you to set different (perhaps simplified) templates for display in the Question and Answer columns of the browser; see browser appearance for more information.