
如果不止一个人想在你的电脑上使用 Anki,你可以为每个用户设置一个单独的账户。每个用户账户都有自己的集合和程序设置。加载项在账户之间共享。账户的方法是转到“文件”菜单并选择“切换账户”。

If more than one person wants to use Anki on your computer, you can set up a separate profile for each user. Each user profile has their own collection, and own program settings. Add-ons are shared across profiles. Profiles are configured by going to the File menu and choosing "Switch Profile".

只有一个账户可以同步到 AnkiWeb 帐户。如果你的计算机上有不同的用户,每个用户都需要为他们的个人资料设置一个单独的 AnkiWeb 帐户。如果你试图将两个或多个账户链接到同一个 AnkiWeb 帐户,你将用另一个账户的数据覆盖一个配置中的数据。

Only a single profile can be synced to an AnkiWeb account. If you have different users on your computer, each user will need to set up a separate AnkiWeb account for their profile. If you attempt to link two or more profiles to the same AnkiWeb account, you will overwrite the data from one profile with the data from the other.

账户主要供不同的人使用,不建议用于拆分您自己的内容。如果你为自己创建了多个账户,最好的选择是将它们合并到一个账户中。您可以通过从账户 A 导出一个牌组,然后将其导入账户 B,对账户 A 中的任何其他牌组重复此操作,直到所有牌组都在账户 B 中。

Profiles are primarily intended to be used by different people, and are not recommended for splitting up your own content. If you have created multiple profiles for yourself, the best option is to merge them into a single profile. You can do so by exporting one deck from profile A, and then importing it into profile B, repeating for any other decks in profile A, until everything is in profile B.

AnkiDroid 不支持多账户。

AnkiDroid does not support profiles.


Profiles window


From the Profiles window (accessible via File>Switch Profile from the main window), you can:

  • 打开/添加/重命名/删除 账户

    Open / Add / Rename / Delete user profiles.

  • 退出程序

    Quit the program.

  • 打开一个自动备份

    Restore an automatic backup.

  • 降级你的集合,如果你想用早期的 Anki 版本打开它,这是必要的。如果跳过此步骤,在旧的 Anki 版本中打开集合时可能会收到错误消息,您需要返回到此版本,降级,然后重试。

    Downgrade your collection, which is necessary if you want to open it with an earlier Anki release. If you skip this step, you may get an error message when opening your collection in an older Anki version, and you will need to return to this version, downgrade, then try again.