
Leeches 是你一直忘记的卡片。因为它们需要那么多次复习,它们占用你时间比其他卡片多得多。

Leeches are cards that you keep on forgetting. Because they require so many reviews, they take up a lot more of your time than other cards.

Anki 可以帮助你识别 leeches。每次复习卡片“遗忘”(在复习模式下失败),计数器都会增加。当该计数器达到 8 时,该笔记被标记为 leeches,并且该卡被暂停。阈值以及是否暂停可以在牌组选项中进行调整。

Anki can help you identify leeches. Each time a review card 'lapses' (is failed while it is review mode), a counter is increased. When that counter reaches 8, the note is tagged as a leech, and the card is suspended. The threshold, and whether to suspend or not, can be adjusted in the deck options.

对于一张困难的卡,Anki 将继续定期发出 leech 警告。警告间隔是初始 leech 阈值的一半。也就是说,如果你将 Anki 配置为在 8 次失误时发出警告,那么未来的警告将每 4 次失误发生一次。(12、16 等)

Anki will continue to issue leech warnings periodically for a difficult card. The warning interval is half the initial leech threshold. That is, if you have Anki configured to warn at 8 lapses, future warnings will happen every 4 lapses. (12, 16, etc)

一旦发现 leech,有很多方法可以处理它。

Once a leech is found, there are a number of ways you can handle it.



有些 leeches 是由“干扰”引起的。例如,一个英语学习者最近可能学会了单词“disappoint”和“disappear”。由于它们看起来很相似,学习者在试图回答时可能会发现自己混淆了两者。在这种情况下,只专注于一个通常是有成效的。当这个在你的脑海中根深蒂固时,你就可以重新学习另一个。因此,在这种情况下,你可能想暂停其中一个单词,直到你把另一个单词学好,然后在浏览器中取消暂停。

Some leeches are caused by 'interference'. For example, an English learner may have recently learnt the words "disappoint" and "disappear". As they look similar, the learner may find themselves confusing the two when trying to answer. In these situations, it’s often productive to concentrate on just one idea. When that idea is firmly ingrained in your mind, you can then return to learning the other idea. So in these situations, you may want to leave one of the words suspended until you have learnt the other one well, and then unsuspend it in the browser.



管理 leeches 的另一种方法是删除它们。考虑一下你正在努力的材料是否足够重要,是否值得你花时间。通过选择性地删除困难和晦涩的项目,你可以花更多的时间学习其他材料,学习会变得更加有趣。

Another way to manage leeches is to delete them. Consider if the material you’re struggling with is important enough to make it worth your while. By selectively deleting difficult and obscure items, you can dedicate more time to learning other material, and studying becomes a lot more fun.




Another approach is to change the way the information is presented. Perhaps the cards you have created have too much information on them, or perhaps you’re trying to memorize something without fully understanding it. Sometimes spending some time changing the way the card is phrased can help. It’s also a good time to think about making a mnemonic to help you remember.