
Installing & Upgrading


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要想快速了解 Anki,请看一下这些介绍视频。有些是用以前的 Anki 版本制作的,但概念是相同的。

For a quick way to dive into Anki, please have a look at these intro videos. Some were made with a previous Anki version, but the concepts are the same.

如果你所在的国家/地区无法访问 YouTube,你可以下载在新窗口打开视频。

If YouTube is unavailable in your country, you can download the videos instead.


Key Concepts



一对问题和答案称为卡片。这是基于由一面是问题,一面是答案的纸质抽认卡而来的。实际上,Anki 中的卡片与实体卡片看上去并不相同,Anki 卡片显示答案时,其问题仍是默认可见的。例如,如果你正在学习基础化学,你可能会看到这样一个问题:

A question and answer pair is called a 'card'. This is based on a paper flashcard with a question on one side and the answer on the back. In Anki a card doesn’t actually look like a physical card, and when you show the answer the question remains visible by default. For example, if you’re studying basic chemistry, you might see a question like:

Q: Chemical symbol for oxygen?

你在思考之后,决定答案是 O,单击显示按钮,Anki 会显示:

After thinking about it, and deciding the answer is O, you click the show answer button, and Anki shows you:

Q: Chemical symbol for oxygen?
A: O

确认答案正确之后,你就可以告诉 Anki 你记忆的情况,之后 Anki 会选择 再次向你展示这个卡片的时间。

After confirming that you are correct, you can tell Anki how well you remembered, and Anki will choose a next time to show you again.


Types of Cards

  • 新的(New):从未学习过的卡片

    New: A new card is one that you have downloaded or entered in, but have never studied before.

  • 正在学习(Learning):最近第一次学习,并且正在学习中

    Learning: Cards that were seen for the first time recently, and are still being learnt.

  • 复习(Review):卡片之前学习过,为了不忘记需要进行复习。复习卡片有两种类型:

    Review: Cards that were previously learnt, and now need to be reviewed so you don’t forget them. There are two types of review cards:

  • 年轻(Young):间隔少于 21 天,并且没有在正在学习中

    Young: A young card is one that has an interval of less than 21 days, but is not in learning.

  • 成熟(Mature):间隔超过 21 天

    Mature: A mature card is one that has an interval of 21 days or greater.

  • 重新学习(Relearn):在复习中出错的卡片会变成正在学习模式重新学习

    Relearn: A relearning card is a card that you have failed in review mode, thus returning it to learning mode to be relearned.




A 'deck' is a group of cards. You can place cards in different decks to study parts of your card collection instead of studying everything at once. Each deck can have different settings, such as how many new cards to show each day, or how long to wait until cards are shown again.

牌组中还可以包含牌组,这允许你用树结构管理牌组。Anki 使用::来显示不同的层级。一个牌组名叫“Chinese::Hanzi” 表示“Hanzi”牌组是“Chinese”牌组的一部分。如果你选择“Hanzi”牌组,只有 Hanzi 牌组中的卡片会显示。如果你选择“Chinese”牌组,所有 Chinese 牌组中的卡片都会显示,包括 Hanzi 牌组中的卡片。

Decks can contain other decks, which allows you to organize decks into a tree. Anki uses “::” to show different levels. A deck called “Chinese::Hanzi” refers to a “Hanzi” deck, which is part of a “Chinese” deck. If you select “Hanzi” then only the Hanzi cards will be shown; if you select “Chinese” then all Chinese cards, including Hanzi cards, will be shown.

为了把牌组放到牌组树中,你可以在每个层级之间用::分隔来命名牌组,或者在牌组列表中进行拖拽。内嵌在其他牌组的牌组(至少有一个::在牌组的名字中)叫做子牌组(subdecks),最高一级的牌组叫做父牌组('superdecks' or 'parent decks')

To place decks into a tree, you can either name them with “::” between each level, or drag and drop them from the deck list. Decks that have been nested under another deck (that is, that have at least one “::” in their names) are often called 'subdecks', and top-level decks are sometimes called 'superdecks' or 'parent decks'.

Anki 从一个名为“默认”的牌组开始;任何以某种方式与其他牌组分离的卡片都将放在这里。如果默认牌组不包含任何卡片,并且你添加了其他牌组,Anki 将隐藏该牌组。或者,你可以重命名此牌组,并将其用于其他卡片。

Anki starts with a deck called “default”; any cards which have somehow become separated from other decks will go here. Anki will hide the default deck if it contains no cards and you have added other decks. Alternatively, you may rename this deck and use it for other cards.

在牌组列表中牌组是按照牌组名称的字母顺序展示的。如果你的牌组名包含数字,这可能会导致一个令人惊讶的顺序——例如:"My Deck 10" 会排在 "My Deck 9" 之前 ,就像 1 在 9 之前一样。如果你想给牌组编号,你可以在个位数前面加一个“0”,例如“牌组 01”、“牌组 02”...“牌组 10”。

Decks are displayed in the deck list alphabetically. This can result in a surprising order if your decks contain numbers - for example, "My Deck 10" will come before "My Deck 9", as 1 comes before 9. If you wish to number your decks, you can add a "0" in front of single-digit numbers, e.g. "Deck 01", "Deck 02" .. "Deck 10".

牌组最好用来装大类卡片,而不是特定的主题,如“食物动词”或“第 1 课”。有关这方面的更多信息,请参阅适当使用牌组部分。

Decks are best used to hold broad categories of cards, rather than specific topics such as “food verbs” or “lesson 1”. For more info on this, please see the using decks appropriately section在新窗口打开.


For information on how decks affect the order cards are displayed in, please see the display order section在新窗口打开.


Notes & Fields


When making flashcards, it’s often desirable to make more than one card that relates to some information. For example, if you’re learning French, and you learn that the word “bonjour” means “hello”, you may wish to create one card that shows you “bonjour” and asks you to remember “hello”, and another card that shows you “hello” and asks you to remember “bonjour”. One card is testing your ability to recognize the foreign word, and the other card is testing your ability to produce it.


When using paper flashcards, your only option in this case is to write out the information twice, once for each card. Some computer flashcard programs make life easier by providing a feature to flip the front and back sides. This is an improvement over the paper situation, but there are two major downsides:

  • 因为这样的程序不会单独跟踪你的识别和制作的表现,所以卡片往往不会在最佳时间显示给你,这意味着你忘记的更多,或者你花费学习的时间比必要的更多。

    Because such programs don’t track your performance of recognition and production separately, cards will tend not to be shown to you at the optimum time, meaning you forget more than you’d like, or you study more than is necessary.

  • 只有当你想让卡片两面都有完全相同的内容时,颠倒问题和答案才有效。这意味着不可能在每张卡的背面显示额外的信息。

    Reversing the question and answer only works when you want exactly the same content on each side. This means it’s not possible to display extra info on the back of each card for example.

Anki 通过允许你将卡片的内容拆分为单独的信息片段来解决这些问题。然后,你可以告诉 Anki 你想在每张卡片上获得哪些信息,如果你将来进行任何编辑,Anki 将负责为你创建卡片并更新它们。

Anki solves these problems by allowing you to split the content of your cards up into separate pieces of information. You can then tell Anki which pieces of information you want on each card, and Anki will take care of creating the cards for you and updating them if you make any edits in the future.


Imagine we want to study French vocabulary, and we want to include the page number on the back of each card. We want our cards to look like this:

Q: Bonjour
A: Hello
   Page #12


Q: Hello
A: Bonjour
   Page #12

在这个例子中我们有 3 个相关信息:一个法语单词,一个英语解释,一个页码。如果我们把他们放在一起,他们看起来是这样的:

In this example, we have three pieces of related information: a French word, an English meaning, and a page number. If we put them together, they’d look like this:

French: Bonjour
English: Hello
Page: 12

在 Anki 中,这些组合信息叫做笔记,每一个单独的信息叫做字段。所以我们可以说这个笔记模板有三个字段:French, English, Page。

In Anki, this related information is called a 'note', and each piece of information is called a 'field'. So we can say that this type of note has three fields: French, English, and Page.


To add and edit fields, click the “Fields…​” button while adding or editing notes. For more information on fields, please see the pCustomizing Fields在新窗口打开 section.


Card Types

为了让 Anki 根据我们的笔记创建卡片,我们需要给它一个蓝图,说明哪些字段应该显示在每张卡片的正面或背面。这个蓝图被称为卡片类型。每种类型的笔记都可以有一种或多种卡片类型;当你添加一个笔记时,Anki 会为每种卡片类型创建一张卡片。

In order for Anki to create cards based on our notes, we need to give it a blueprint that says which fields should be displayed on the front or back of each card. This blueprint is called a 'card type'. Each type of note can have one or more card types; when you add a note, Anki will create one card for each card type.


Each card type has two 'templates', one for the question and one for the answer. In the above French example, we wanted the recognition card to look like this:

Q: Bonjour
A: Hello
   Page #12


To do this, we can set the question and answer templates to:

Q: {{French}}
A: {{English}}<br>
   Page #{{Page}}

通过将字段名用双花括号括起来,我们告诉 Anki 用字段中的实际信息替换该部分。任何没有被花括号包围的东西在每张卡片上都保持不变。(例如,添加材料时,我们不必在 Page 字段中键入“Page#”,它会自动添加到每张卡片中。)<br>是一个特殊代码,告诉 Anki 移动到下一行;模板部分提供了更多详细信息。

By surrounding a field name in double curly brackets, we tell Anki to replace that section with the actual information in the field. Anything not surrounded by curly brackets remains the same on each card. (For instance, we don’t have to type “Page #” into the Page field when adding material – it’s added automatically to every card.)
is a special code that tells Anki to move to the next line; more details are available in the templates在新窗口打开 section.


The production card templates work in a similar way:

Q: {{English}}
A: {{French}}<br>
   Page #{{Page}}

创建卡片类型后,每次添加新的笔记时,都会根据该卡片类型创建一张卡片。卡片类型可以很容易地保持卡片格式的一致性,并可以大大减少添加信息所需的工作量。它们还意味着 Anki 可以确保相关卡片看起来不会太近,并且可以让你一次纠正打字错误或事实错误,并一次更新所有相关卡片。

Once a card type has been created, every time you add a new note, a card will be created based on that card type. Card types make it easy to keep the formatting of your cards consistent and can greatly reduce the amount of effort involved in adding information. They also mean Anki can ensure related cards don’t appear too close to each other, and they allow you to fix a typing mistake or factual error once and have all the related cards updated at once.

要添加和编辑卡片类型,请单击卡片…(Card...)​ 按钮。有关卡片类型的更多信息,请参阅卡片和模板部分。

To add and edit card types, click the “Cards…​” button while adding or editing notes. For more information on card types, please see the Cards and Templates section.


Anki 允许你为不同的材料创建不同的笔记模板。每一个笔记模板都有自己的字段和卡片类型。在学习中,对于不同课题制作不同的笔记模板是一个很好的想法。在上面学习法语的例子中,可以创建一个叫“法语”的笔记模板。如果我们想学习各国首都,我们可以创建一个单独的笔记模板,包含“国家”和“首都”两个字段。

Anki allows you to create different types of notes for different material. Each type of note has its own set of fields and card types. It’s a good idea to create a separate note type for each broad topic you’re studying. In the above French example, we might create a note type called “French” for that. If we wanted to learn capital cities, we could create a separate note type for that as well, with fields such as “Country” and “Capital City”.

当 Anki 检查重复卡片时,它只比较相同笔记模板的其他笔记。因此,如果你使用首都笔记模板添加一个名为“Orange”的首都,当你使用法语模板学习“orange”时,你不会看到重复的信息。

When Anki checks for duplicates, it only compares other notes of the same type. Thus if you add a capital city called “Orange” using the capital city note type, you won’t see a duplicate message when it comes time to learn how to say “orange” in French.

创建新集合时,Anki 会自动向其中添加一些标准笔记模板。提供这些笔记模板是为了让新用户更容易使用 Anki,但从长远来看,建议你为正在学习的内容定义自己的笔记模板。默认提供的笔记模板如下:

When you create a new collection, Anki automatically adds some standard note types to it. These note types are provided to make Anki easier for new users, but in the long run it’s recommended you define your own note types for the content you are learning. The standard note types are as follows:

  • 问答题:有正面(Front)和反面(Back)两个字段,会创建一张卡片。正面字段输入的内容会出现在卡片的正面,反面字段输入的内容会出现在卡片的反面。

    Basic Has Front and Back fields, and will create one card. Text you enter in Front will appear on the front of the card, and text you enter in Back will appear on the back of the card.

  • 问答题(同时生成翻转的卡片):同上面的问答题,但会生成两张卡片:一张是从正面到反面,一张是从反面到正面。

    Basic (and reversed card) Like Basic, but creates two cards for the text you enter: one from front→back and one from back→front.

  • 问答题(同时生成翻转的卡片<可选>):同上面的问答题。这个是正面到反面的卡片,反面到正面卡片是可选的。这个笔记类型有第三个字段“反向添加(Add Reverse)”,如果你在这个字段输入任何文本,反面到正面卡片将会被创建。更多信息请参阅卡片和模板部分。

    Basic (optional reversed card) This is a front→back card, and optionally a back→front card. To do this, it has a third field called “Add Reverse.” If you enter any text into that field, a reverse card will be created. More information about this is available in the Cards and Templates section.

  • 问答题(输入答案):这个基本上也是上面的问答题,在卡片正面多了一个输入框,你可以在里面输入答案。当翻到卡片反面时,你输入的内容将会和答案进行比较。更多信息请参阅卡片和模板部分。

    Basic (type in the answer) This is essentially Basic, with an extra text box on the front where you can type your answer in, after flipping to the back your input would be checked and compared with the answer. More information is available in the Checking Your Answer section.

  • 挖空题:可以让你很方便的将选择的文本变成填空。(例:“Man landed on the moon in […​]” → “Man landed on the moon in 1969”)。更多信息请参阅卡片和模板部分。

    Cloze: A note type which makes it easy to select text and turn it into a cloze deletion (e.g., “Man landed on the moon in […​]” → “Man landed on the moon in 1969”). More information is available in the cloze deletion section.

添加你的笔记模板或者修改已经存在的笔记模板,你可以在 Anki 主窗口选择工具->管理笔记模板

To add your own note types and modify existing ones, you can use Tools → Manage Note Types from the main Anki window.


Notes and note types are common to your whole collection rather than limited to an individual deck. This means you can use many different types of notes in a particular deck, or have different cards generated from a particular note in different decks. When you add notes using the Add window, you can select what note type to use and what deck to use, and these choices are completely independent of each other. You can also change the note type of some notes after you’ve already created them.


你的集合是存储在 Anki 中的所有材料——你的卡片、笔记、牌组、笔记模板、牌组选项等等。

Your 'collection' is all the material stored in Anki – your cards, notes, decks, note types, deck options, and so on.


你可以在 YouTube 上观看关于共享牌组和复习基础知识在新窗口打开的视频。

You can watch a video about Shared Decks and Review Basics on YouTube.

最方便的开始 Anki 就是下载别人分享的牌组:

The easiest way to get started with Anki is to download a deck of cards someone has shared:

  1. 点击主窗口最下面的获取牌组按钮

    Click the “Get Shared” button at the bottom of the deck list.

  2. 找到感兴趣的牌组,点击下载按钮下载牌组

    When you’ve found a deck you’re interested in, click the “Download” button to download a deck package.

  3. 双击下载好的牌组就可以导出 Anki,或者在 Anki 主窗口选择文件->导入...

    Double-click on the downloaded package to load it into Anki, or File→Import it.

请注意目前不能直接从 AnkiWeb 导入牌组,需要从桌面软件导入,然后再进行同步。

Please note that it’s not currently possible to add shared decks directly to your AnkiWeb account. You need to import them with the desktop program, then synchronize to upload them to AnkiWeb.


Creating your own deck is the most effective way to learn a complex subject. Subjects like languages and the sciences can’t be understood simply by memorizing facts — they require explanation and context to learn effectively. Furthermore, inputting the information yourself forces you to decide what the key points are, leading to a better understanding.


If you are a language learner, you may be tempted to download a long list of words and their translations, but this won’t teach you a language any more than memorizing scientific equations will teach you astrophysics. To learn properly, you need textbooks, teachers, or exposure to real-world sentences.

Do not learn if you do not understand.

大多数牌组是由在 Anki 之外学习材料的人创建的,这些材料来自课本、课堂、电视等。他们从所学内容中选择有趣的点,并将其放入 Anki 中。他们不会在卡片上添加背景信息或解释,因为他们已经理解了材料。因此,当其他人下载他们的牌组并尝试使用时,他们会发现这非常困难,因为背景信息和解释都不见了。

Most shared decks are created by people who are learning material outside of Anki – from textbooks, classes, TV, etc. They select the interesting points from what they learn and put them into Anki. They make no effort to add background information or explanations to the cards, because they already understand the material. So when someone else downloads their deck and tries to use it, they’ll find it very difficult as the background information and explanations are missing.

这并不是说共享牌组是无用的——只是对于复杂的科目,它们应该被用作外部材料的“补充”,而不是“替代”。如果你正在学习教科书 ABC,而有人分享了 ABC 的一套想法,这是节省一些时间的好方法。对于基本上是一系列事实的简单主题,比如首都名称或酒吧问答,你可能不需要外部材料。但是,如果你试图在没有外部材料的情况下学习复杂的科目,你可能会遇到令人失望的结果。

That is not to say shared decks are useless – simply that for complex subjects, they should be used as a 'supplement' to external material, not as a 'replacement' for it. If you’re studying textbook ABC and someone has shared a deck of ideas from ABC, that’s a great way to save some time. And for simple subjects that are basically a list of facts, such as capital city names or pub quiz trivia, you probably don’t need external material. But if you attempt to study complex subjects without external material, you will probably meet with disappointing results.