当你保存对笔记模板的更改或导出牌组时,Anki 2.1.45+会检查一些常见错误。当有人学习受影响的卡片时,这些错误会在以后引起问题,所以在你修复它们之前,Anki 不会让你继续。

When you save changes to a notetype or export a deck, Anki 2.1.45+ checks for some common errors. These errors will cause issues later on when anyone studies the affected cards, so Anki won't let you proceed before you have fixed them.




Please see Key Concepts before reading further.


Most of the errors below will require you to modify your notetype/card template. To do so:

  • 打开“浏览”屏幕,然后查看左侧的项目。

    Open the Browse screen, and look at the items on the left.

  • 找到错误消息中提到的笔记模板类型。如有必要,你可以使用左上角的搜索栏。

    Locate the notetype mentioned in error message. You can use the search bar at the top left if necessary.

  • 单击笔记模板类型,在右侧显示其卡片/笔记。

    Click on the notetype, to show its cards/notes on the right.

  • 单击 卡片... 按钮打开模板窗口。

    Click the Cards... button at the top of the editing area to open the templates screen.


Specific Issues


Template Syntax Error


This kind of error indicates an incorrect usage of the field replacement syntax. Visit the templates screen for the reported note and card type, and look at the preview area for more information. Some more information about template problems is available.


Identical Front Sides

你已将 Anki 配置为为每个输入创建两个相同的问题。如果你添加一个新的卡片类型而不进行任何调整,就会发生这种情况。相同的卡片会使你的工作量增加一倍,并降低 Anki 的调度效率。

You have Anki configured to create two identical questions for each input. This can happen if you add a new card type without making any adjustments to it. Identical cards double your workload, and make Anki's scheduling less effective.


To fix this, open the templates screen, and select one of the duplicates at the top. Then use the button on the top right to remove the selected card type. This will delete all the duplicate cards/notes that were using the card type as well.


No Field Replacement on Front Side


If you don't use a field replacement in the front template of a card type, every card created from it will look the same on the question side, regardless of its note. It would then be impossible to answer the card, as you wouldn't know what answer is expected.


To resolve the issue, open the templates screen, and click the Add Field button to add one or more fields to the front.


Cloze Filter Outside Cloze Notetype

挖空过滤器( {{cloze:Some Field}}) 只能在挖空笔记模板中使用或基于它的克隆模板。

The cloze filter (as in {{cloze:Some Field}}) may only be used on the cloze notetype, and on those created by cloning it.


If you get this error, you can remove the cloze filter from the template.


If you have notes with cloze deletions that are using that notetype, you can select them in the Browse screen, and use the Change Notetype action to assign them to a standard Cloze notetype instead.

旧的 Anki 版本在你尝试在普通笔记模板上使用挖空时并没有报错,但这从来都不是一个需要支持的做法。如果你想把挖空和普通卡片结合起来,你可能会发现像 Closet 插件 这样的插件提供了一些替代方案。

Older Anki versions did not complain when you attempted to use cloze deletions on a normal notetype, but this was never a use case that was intended to be supported. If you want to combine cloze deletions with regular cards, you may find an add-on like the Closet add-on provides some alternatives.


No Cloze Filter on Cloze Notetype

No Cloze Filter on Cloze Notetype

挖空笔记模板的正面和背面应该有一个挖空过滤器。如果每有的话,你需要把它加回来,这样 Anki 就可以正确地制作挖空卡。

A Cloze notetype's front and back templates should have a cloze filter. If one is missing, you will need to add it back so that Anki can create cloze cards correctly.